Q.What time is your check-in time and check-out time ?
A.Our check-in time is 4:00pm and check-out time is 10:30am.
We can keep your luggage whenever before check-in.
Q.When can I make a reservation ?
A.Reservations can usually be made up to 4 months in advance.
Q.Can I leave my luggage if I arrive at your ryokan earlier ?
A.Yes we can look after your luggage before your check in and after check out.
Q.Is the public bath a hot spring and what are the operating hours?
A.It is not hot spring, though our public bath is big and very comfortable. It is open in the morning from 6:30am - 9:00am and from 4:30pm until midnight. If you're not sure of public bath protocol ask our friendly staff or see the English explanation in the Public Bathroom.
Q.Do you accept credit cards ?
A.Yes, though credit card payment is not accepted for telephone charges, massage or home delivery cost.
Q.Which credit cards do you accept?
A.VISA / JCB / Master Card / Orico / Million Card / UC / View Card / American Express / UFJ Card / Union Pay.
Q.Do you need credit information for making reservation ?
A.No, we don't need it.
Q.Where do you serve breakfast ?
A.We usually serve breakfast in the dining room, located on the 1st floor.
Q.What will is the closest landmark near your hotel ?
A.There is Kyoto City Hall (Kyoto Siyakusyo) close to our hotel, it is a three minute walk away
Q.What amenities will be in my room?
A.All rooms have air conditioning, fridge, TV and a hair dryer. The bathroom has a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner and a Yukata (Japanese Robe).
Q.What time is the curfew ?
A.The curfew is midnight.
Q.Do you have non-smoking room ?
A.All our guest rooms are NON-SMOKING.